Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here Is The Famous Monkees With Their Famous Monkeemobile

"The Monkees" were a rock group wanting
 to be "The Beatles"but were always struggling.
 The had always helped people in the show 
and in real life. "The Monkees" Official Band
 Uniform was cranberry with eight buttons,
and grey slacks with boots. Their 
Monkeemobile  had to look as just as good.
So Dean Jeffries "King Stripers" designed 
the perfect car.He started with two 1966
 Pontiac GTOs,then designed the custom
 nose that incorporated the stock GTO 
grills. However before he could make the
 custom nose shell,he had to extend the
 front fenders.He also had to open the 
front fenders with a square opening to 
let the dummy megaphone four header
 show through the fenders.The custom
 grill shell  extends to the top of the hood,
where round hump is that comes to the 
custom hood. Underneath the hood is a
 Pontiac 389 CID with a four barrel 
carburator and stock exhaust headers 
that hook to two tail pipes and two 
mufflers.Now where there is a hole is
is a chrome top which has the top part
 or the radiator shell chrome with a 
chrome radiator hose from top.The 
chrome raditor top has a gold custom
 radiator cap with wings,and a tire,was
the hood ornament.The blower is yellow 
with chrome scoop.However the whole
 injector are is blacked out not just the
 baffles.This is to match the blacked out
 GTO grills.You will find four pipes that
 are ribbed like a Deusenburg,on both 
sides below the blower.These are to go
 to the dummy megaphone pipes of four
 to each front fender.The injectors have
 three lines on each side to the blower.
 Also  the headlights to the custom grill
 nose are oval and glass from France.
Them are custom made for The 
Monkeemobiles  only.The Copyrighted
 color is called"Lip Stick Red" which
 Dean Jeffries "King of Stripers" designed
 just for The Monkeemobiles.   The grills
 have two small round rectangular turn 
signals in both the left and right grills.  
This car has a stock wheelbase. 
Dean Jeffries lengthened the rear fenders
 too.He also reworked the custom taillights.
Many people wonder why it is so long inside?
Dean Jeffries took out the rear deck and 
 trunk.It required alot of cutting. He had to do
 this to make room for the rear bench seat.The
 bench seat is tuck and rolled,along with the 
four bench seats.The panels are all diamond
 tufted to lined up perfectly with all the seats
. The gas tank has a fuel cell,with a Nascar 
type chrome gas cap in the back of the car.
 The windshield is cut in two, and pushed 
upward.A chrome bar which,is vertical,is glued
securely to the two windshield halfs,which gives
 it a angled look.The dashboard is tan just like
 the four buckets seats,and the custom made 
bench seat.The steering wheel has a wooden 
center.The console has a chrome cover and a
 chrome T Bar for shifting. The side windows
 are a little oval,which spreads out a little.It has
 a custom made Touring Model T Type top in 
tan,with a big rectangular  opening to see behind
.The tires are GoodYear Wide Oval 15" Tires on
 Craigar SS Diamond Spoke Mags with matching
 Craigar SS Three Pong Knock Offs.The blower
 has no rotors in it because Michael Nesmith said
 it was too powful,and it was hard to drive.,like 
driving a tank.This why The Monkeemobile  has
 a dummy blower.The car has a 500 horsepower
 engine.The custom rear back is also equipt with a
 white parachute,when closed.But if you used it,you
 will find it is white,and red.Infact,Kelloggs actually,
had a special red and white that said Kelloggs when
 you pop the chute.However,that was a publicty for
 advertising their product,since Kelloggs was cereal 
sponsor,for "The Monkee" commercials.This car was
 mostly driven by Michael Nesmith with Davy Jones 
usually in the front with Mike.I believe,Micky Dolenz
 sit in the custom bench seat with Peter Tork behind 
Davy Jones. "The Monkees" loved this car.Here Is The Famous Monkees With Their Famous Monkeemobile  


  1. We loved you Davy Jones.The rest of "The Monkees":Peter Tork,Micky Dolenz,and Michael Nesmith miss you very much.

  2. In both pictures Peter Tork is close to Davy Jones who he loved very much as a brother.
