Friday, October 19, 2012

Ten Monkeemobiles?


               Ten Monkeemobiles?
         There are ten Monkeemobiles?
 Only two, were used in The Monkees;
 which were designed, built and painted
 by King of Stripers, Dean Jeffries.
          George Barris main engineer; had 
Dick Dean help Jeffries, build both cars
in George Barris shop. 

          Dean Jeffries also, designed, both 
Black Beauties; for Green Hornet. So 
Dick Dean, also helped him; build both
cars again; in George Barris shop.

         After buying #2 Monkeemobile in
1972; the #3 Monkeemobile built by
Dick Dean; without approval; from Dean
 Jeffries; was not a 1966 Pontiac GTO;
 but a 1966 Pontiac Catalina. 
    Since this writing two different people,
 Peter and Mark, were sighted as making a .                                                                                                  #3 Monkeemobile, but that would make it #4,.                                                                                               yet it's called #3 Monkeemobile, yet, in 1992,
 not 1972, made after 1966 Pontiac Catalina,
 made, into 1966 Pontiac GTO by Dick Dean.                                                                                              for George Barris needed for car shows.

e early nineties, a judge ruled a 
  decision; that whoever owns the car; also
  owns the copyrights. This ruined a right;
   to Dean Jeffries designs, which is why; 
 took off Jeffries name; and put Barris on 
      The Monkeemobile #4; was built by
     Dick Dean too.

      George Barris commission #4; to be built
 for AMT, so a Monkeemobile; would be 
released to the public in 2001. The way, they
could have The Monkeemobile; and put it 
on their hobby shelves; for display.

      The Monkeemobile #4; had thin redlines
and thinner Cragar SS Diamond Spoke Mags,
and regular fifteens in the rear. This was the
fourth Monkeemobile and it also had yellow 
orange between the headlights, and taillight
shells. This was also a 1966 Pontiac GTO, 
which sold to a man in Florida, through 
Mecum Auctions. 

         The fifth Monkeemobile designed by 
Dean Jeffries, but  using a 1967 Pontiac GTO,
designed for The Monkees Forty-Fifth
 Anniversary Tour. It sold on eBay for 
      $66,000. It was later sold; again on
Atta Buy for $66,000

         Also many think The Monkeemobile 
#2 sold for $500,000. The Altered #2 car;
The Monkeemobile at Barrett-Jackson sold 
for $360,000 to a comedian in Michigan. It was
auctioned again in 2017. Then re-painted red; 
with wider rear tires; and gold Monkee logos. 
But still had; a white interior; as before.  

         A #6 Monkee-mobile, had a huge 
working blower, two carburetors, and  
a competition scoop. The back is longer,
It appears the taillights are different. 
He wanted over a $100,000 for the #6 car,
It even has; the wrong seat design; even
though, they are newly upholstered. 
The Cooper tires bulging, and
it uses American Torque Thrust Mags.
It does have the gold Monkees
logo on the doors, but it's car's Pontiac. 
bucket seats, look stock. They do not look 
like Jeffries.

        I now found a seventh Monkeemobile, it is done.
from the view of George Barris, with yellowed front
grill, and oval light rings, but the lights in the front,
look like there painted red. The blower is grey in 
color, which three injector scoop does not look exactly
like The Monkeemobiles scoop. The glass type mirrors
are tinted yellow. The interior does look tan with the 
correct style as Dean Jeffries Monkeemobiles were. It
has good Cragar SS Diamond Spoked Mags and good.
tires to match. 
      Someone ruined the front mags and switch tires.

         Since this article was written; there is a eighth 
Monkeemobile. A buck was pulled; from one the first 
two Monkeemobiles; made by Dean Jeffries. He sold 
both this buck mold; to Mr. Sharp along; with a 350 
CID: that he bought; from Dean Jeffries. It has the
 original dashboard; and dashboard pieces; from the 
#2 car. It has #2 Monkeemobile's Cragar SS mags; 
with three-prong knockoffs; with Cragar on it. This
car rests: on a 1965 Malibu chassis and won many
awards. However, the body is and original Pontiac
GTO from 1966. That 350 CID engine; has all the
 megaphones pipes; hooked from the back; so, it makes;
 beautiful; throaty purring sound, when you rev up; 
 the engine. It's the most realistic; of all the cool 
  Monkeemobiles out there. It won many trophies and 
 was sold twice for $60,000.00.

          Mr. Sharp had built it the way Dean Jeffries did.
  No stupid computers that ruin the #2 Monkeemobile. 
Someone out there is enjoying the most original looking
Monkeemobile the way Dean Jeffries designed it. The 
famous tan interior, and top the gold blower, cool hood 
ornament and three injector Enderle scoop.  As well as 
yellow parachute. The Monkees banners Dean Jeffries
          On Facebook I found Eric's friend made a #10 car
of The Monkeemobile;  It's the only one in Australia. It
is called the Aussie Monkeemobile; which is the only,
right-handed; Monkeemobile in the world; built by
Paul Andrew, which been allowed to use. Both Peter Tork 
and Micky Dolenz were in this car in 2016; when they
toured Australia; for The Monkees Good Times 50th
Anniversary Tour.
          But could there be a #11 Monkee Mobile? Bill Mumy
showed on Facebook; with his Monkee Mobile; in light tan;
with proper Dean Jeffries Monkees banners. Until, I find 
out the full story; I will leave at ten Monkee Mobiles.

           The man who owns #1 Monkeemobile is selfish. 
The car is built wrong. Have you seen; the stupid right 
m0NKEES logo? He doesn't know; you reverse the logos.
from left to right. If you know how to get a hold of him.
I have pictures; of correct Monkees banners; for the
 doors. This change was done when bought the car.
 You must see this stupidity for yourself.
(Pictures: Monkeemobile: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 18,19, 21, 27, 30
 are Monkeemobile #1.
 Monkeemobile:7, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 are the
#2 Monkeemobile.

              Not all Monkeemobiles; were original GTO's.
 This is a 1966 Pontiac Catalina made into GTO without;
 Dean Jeffries permission. The fake; is in dark brown leather;
 if you see it auctioned off; saying it's; real GTO; it isn't.
 It's in picture 15.(#3Monkeemobile built 1972 from a 1966)
 (Catalina to GTO Monkeemobile.)
              In 1993 a judge in Los Angeles ruled; that whoever owns
 the car; owns the copyrights. This made it legal;
for George Barris, to remove Dean Jeffries copyrights. So, by
1999; George Barris; had Dick Dean; built another car; for the
AMT model of The Monkeemobile. This #5 car in picture 17.
This explains why ERTL had redlines; painted on the 1970's 
Dodge van tires. As you can see; it has skinny redlines; like used
on funny cars in the front. While the back had regular stock 15" 
redline tires.

              Here's the secret; why they were missing since 1979; 
MPC; took out of The Monkee Mobile model; and put them in;
More of American Graffiti John Milner Coupe. Yes, that small
little box was $4.24 on Albertsons back 1979 in North Highlands.
In 1990; I paid a guy $200.00 for original Monkee Mobile model;
which the model was made from the second Monkee Mobile; not
#1 Monkeemobile; since it was used in the second season.

              Also having the original Monkeemobile; made from a 
1966; not a 1967 GTO; I examined the tires from three models;
and found this out: The Fonzie's Dream Rod, the original model
of The Monkeemobile; and Yellow Deuce Coupe; from the second
movie; More American Graffiti John Milners Coupe by Mpc; had
the exact tires. AMT/ERTL  Blueprinter; and the reissued 2001
American Graffiti Yellow Deuce Coupe; all have the tires for the
model of The Monkeemobile. (November 2022 Round 2 MPC, gave)
(us blue pinstripe Cobra Bluestreak tires; with white raised letters.) 
(Also, with Micky Dolenz as the surving Monkee. Rhino put back on;)
(The Monkees behind the Monkeemobile.)

Then Monkeemobile MPC with The Monkees beyond; or flowers
behind The Monkees; since Rhino Entertainment owns  copyrights
to The Monkees. I don't know how many slip through; before Rhino
said no Monkees behind The Monkees. However; my pictures were
retouched by myself. I sold by the original More American Graffiti
John Milner's Yellow Deuce Coupe and Original Monkee Mobile car
model to my brother in Georgia. The Monkee Mobile was copyrighted.
1967 by MPC; and Davy Jones; joined Dean Jeffries; at MPC plant
for this wild model. If anyone of you have Auto World in the 1980's;
go through all the models; and see if you can find; Davy Jones visiting,
MPC model plant. Snap if you find it and blow it up.

               Next, we are at #6; which a special Monkee Mobile made a
special time. The year was 2011; one year before this, Micky Dolenz;
and Peter Tork were involved with a project; in which some of you
were involved with; in singing or playing musical instruments, along,
 Micky and Peter; so the end result was Micky Dolenz got a solo 
album; but Peter Tork; got nothing out of it. The Songs of  Carol King
was Micky's solo album in 2010.

              Now, they used a 1967 Pontiac GTO; while asking Dean Jeffries;
instructions; and making like the number two car. They had special gold
logos; for The Monkees 45th Anniversary Evening With The Monkees
Tour. The parachute was black; The Monkees 50th Anniversary; when
it was pulled. When even was done it sold for $66,000 on eBay. Then on
Atta Buy; for $66,000. This is picture 16.

              This #7 Monkee Mobile is far from Dean Jeffries; designed; the
tires from Cooper bulge out like eyeballs. The mags are not Cragar SS
mags; but American Tor-Q-Thrust II's. The interior is horizonal stock 
pattern. The French highlights are missing; instead; he cut rectangular
squares for the headlights to fit through. He chose a big block blown 
engine; with two carburetors on a competition scoop. He also wanted;
you pay over $100,000. for this car. Talk about being stupid!  
Pictures 13, 14; my Royal Flush; Stupidity Award! It's too long in the front!

              This #9 Monkee Mobile; will grab you.   This 1965 Malibu 
chassis; with a 1966 Pontiac GTO body on top. This a real winner; my
friends. Mr. Sharp, bought a buck; taken from one' of the first two cars;
that Dean Jeffries made. He also bought a 350 CID engine also from
Dean Jeffries. It's also wearing both the Cragar SS from #2 car; as well
as the light tan dashboard pieces from #2 Monkee Mobile. But there's
much more, Mr. Sharp hooked all four megaphone pipes on each side; to
give you throaty; purring sound, when you rev up the engine. 
Pictures are before theme; then 9, 28, 29

              I was told by Eric; his friend made this; in Australia; Eric his
friend used fiberglass; he did mention USA; but the problem is the
front; is too perfect; and George Barris; sold off the French headlights,
no later 2008. This both. I do know Mr. Sharp's #9 Monkee Mobile was.
for sale by him for $60,000; after winning; many trophies it was sold; then,
sold again; for $60,000. 


       Compare #8 Monkee-mobile to #1 and see how very
realistic #8 looks compare to #1. While I admit #8 scoop
is just a little different; the body made from Dean Jeffries
buck from one of the two cars is very realistic. At that
time there was no logos on the car; but now they have 
them. This dashboard and parts that were in the #2 car 
but are in the #9 car, because George Barris had those
computer videos installed in #2 Monkee-mobile. I have the
picture of #9 with Mr. Sharp's trophies in another area. 
When I find that file; I'll it to these pictures.

    Now look below at #1 car; how stupid can you be having
m0NKEES logo backward on the right side. I purposely
have Extra large to see the frets were added on the "m" 
instead of the "S."

                                             #10 Monkee Mobile Aussie Monkee Mobile
                                             World's Only Right-Hand Steering Car!

        If you want a realistic Monkeemobile, go to this cool site: Build a real Monkee mobile, not some
   clone! They have already built Munster Koaches, Batmobiles, 
   from the tv series. They also can make you a Bat boat, Batman
   Forever car, and much more. Every car is professionally built out
   of steel. Include The Mach 5 and new site comes 02/2021.
       Do not monkey around, if you want a real Monkeemobile!.
       This is the number #1 Monkeemobile.It is the only car with a
   yellow blower, and a blacked-out scoop. It also has no Monkee logo
   on the doors. Why might you asked? In the pilot #14 of the show:
   Here Comes The Monkees, the logo was not made yet. In fact, some 
   the first episodes in season one, you will just see; rectangular. 
   colored guitar; on Micky's large drum.
       Actually' I consulted a professional photographer in Oakland, at
   the Sacramento Auto-rama, and he showed pictures of the show car,
   The Monkeemobile #1, where it originally, had GTO on the grill. But 
   later these were removed.  The car's original color; was Code Name:
   Lip Stick Red; copyrighted by Dean Jeffries; Auto Stylist Designer.
   There were originally light tan pin striping going from the front
   fender to the rear of the car. It also originally had Good Year Wide
   Oval angled sidewalls, with blue tires on the front; and then blue
   lines tires to the rear.
      However, the color was changed to a burgundy color. That is why. 
   some pictures are red, and others are burgundy.
       In 1991, Mr. Norris, because he spoke Spanish; bought the #1 car
   for $5000; in an auction; in Puerto Rico. He wanted to give a phone
   bid of $500 for the car. I do not think; this was fair! The real cool
   designer: Dean Jeffries, was trying to buy this car back! Mr. Norris,
   took advantage of; Dean Jeffries Design! There is no mention; on the
   Man in charge; of the auction; in Puerto Rico, ever checking; for the
   Real Designer! Mr. Norris, asked for the description, and Greed, took
   root! He knew he had treasure; and paid $5000; to receive the car. 
   Mr. Norris, never, returned the car, to its restoration form. The tires
   are too tall, in the front. He never; put wide ovals; back on the car. 
   They welded the rear axle; to stock height, instead of keeping like it 
   was. The yellow logo   of The Monkees is wrong. It should have a big
   gold, The Monkees on the doors. The tires in the rear; are the wrong 
  size too. Now about three years ago Mr. Norris; had the right logo  of
  m0NKEES backwards. This stupidity to the highest degree.

 The Monkee-mobile number #1 for auction in
 Port Rico. 

This car has a yellow blower and a blacked out scoop.
The car everyone is raving about is the number two car
that Micky, Davy autographed under the hood after
George Barris had altered restyled in Sacramento, and
sold for $360,000 at Barret-Jackson. It has a gold blower
and red baffles on it before, the restoration. After the
restoration it had chrome baffles in the scoop, computer
audio system, with Monkees logo woofers, that had to be
charged. The number two car below #2 was now in
white upholstery, with black painted underneath the
top with chrome bars going across. It only has three
header design, instead of the four it had originally.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"For Me, Davy Jones Was the Monkees. We Were His Band, His Side Men"

     This quote was from Michael Nesmith talking
 about Davy Jones when ask about The Monkees.
If you did not read: Davy Jones I Want A Piece
Of That at:
   It goes from Davy Jones born to ending with his
signing a contact with Columbia ,who also had con-
tracts with Colpix Records,and Screen Gems,both
own  by Columbia Pictures.It also shared where he
he recieved his nickname:Davy,and also who shared
the loved of horses,and where he was when he said:
I Want A Piece Of That.
     Davy was had just met Bob Rafelson and Bert-
Schnieder,the directors,of "The Monkees"concept the
directors,of"The Monkees"concept.Davy was the only
one who assigned to a deal with the studio.At this point,
he was the first selected to his acting trialor for this project.
In which the whole concept,was actually held,until the movie,
The Beatles Hard Days Night movie came out.When that
was was a office smash,the producers brainstored,about four
in a folk rock group,but with different backgrounds.They wanted
They wanted the"Loving Spoonful,"but they were already under
contract,with someone else.So,they,through out different names,
and,when one person called out:"The Monkees" it stuck. Now
 they had to find four young men,who were from different back
grounds,yet would be like the Marx Brothers.They had Davy,
now the search was on to find the other three.
   They had screen tests and besides,Davy,they chose Micky
who was a former actor in Circus Boy Micky Bradrick.He was
a cut up,and Davy and Micky,lived together in a apartment.Whenhttp://www.desktoplightni<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><a href="" target=_new>DesktopLightning - Click Here For Free Traffic</a>
they had "Monkee Day"in August 1966,Micky and Davy said:
"They are playing are song on the radio.The song they played
was"Last Train To Clarksville."Dolenz,and Jones,were so happy.
Then Micheal Nesmith was also on the Colpix Lable,just as Davy
was.His Country style,being a real musician,who had his own way
of doing things.He was also married to Phylis,and had a son to care
of with his wife.Peter Tork was also a musician,who was discovered,
while being employed as a dish washer.Peter had the most musical
ability,and was teased about it.He could play drums,guitar,banjo,flute,
french horn,bass guitar,key board,and so many more musical instruments.
   It is true fact that Micky Dolenz,Peter Tork,and Michael Nesmith,did
not want Davy Jones as the lead singer.Instead,Micky Dolenz was chose
as the lead singer.Then Micky was chosen for drums,since no one wanted
to play them.Davy did get on the drums,but the director over the music,felt
Davy would not be seen by the camaras.Instead Davy would be the front
runner,playing the tamberine,and maracas.Some song Davy sang lead on.
The first episode of The Monkees Royal Flush Davy Jones sang lead on
the first song.
  There was alot competition with Micky,Mike,and Peter,but Davy just did
what he was told.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here Is The Famous Monkees With Their Famous Monkeemobile

"The Monkees" were a rock group wanting
 to be "The Beatles"but were always struggling.
 The had always helped people in the show 
and in real life. "The Monkees" Official Band
 Uniform was cranberry with eight buttons,
and grey slacks with boots. Their 
Monkeemobile  had to look as just as good.
So Dean Jeffries "King Stripers" designed 
the perfect car.He started with two 1966
 Pontiac GTOs,then designed the custom
 nose that incorporated the stock GTO 
grills. However before he could make the
 custom nose shell,he had to extend the
 front fenders.He also had to open the 
front fenders with a square opening to 
let the dummy megaphone four header
 show through the fenders.The custom
 grill shell  extends to the top of the hood,
where round hump is that comes to the 
custom hood. Underneath the hood is a
 Pontiac 389 CID with a four barrel 
carburator and stock exhaust headers 
that hook to two tail pipes and two 
mufflers.Now where there is a hole is
is a chrome top which has the top part
 or the radiator shell chrome with a 
chrome radiator hose from top.The 
chrome raditor top has a gold custom
 radiator cap with wings,and a tire,was
the hood ornament.The blower is yellow 
with chrome scoop.However the whole
 injector are is blacked out not just the
 baffles.This is to match the blacked out
 GTO grills.You will find four pipes that
 are ribbed like a Deusenburg,on both 
sides below the blower.These are to go
 to the dummy megaphone pipes of four
 to each front fender.The injectors have
 three lines on each side to the blower.
 Also  the headlights to the custom grill
 nose are oval and glass from France.
Them are custom made for The 
Monkeemobiles  only.The Copyrighted
 color is called"Lip Stick Red" which
 Dean Jeffries "King of Stripers" designed
 just for The Monkeemobiles.   The grills
 have two small round rectangular turn 
signals in both the left and right grills.  
This car has a stock wheelbase. 
Dean Jeffries lengthened the rear fenders
 too.He also reworked the custom taillights.
Many people wonder why it is so long inside?
Dean Jeffries took out the rear deck and 
 trunk.It required alot of cutting. He had to do
 this to make room for the rear bench seat.The
 bench seat is tuck and rolled,along with the 
four bench seats.The panels are all diamond
 tufted to lined up perfectly with all the seats
. The gas tank has a fuel cell,with a Nascar 
type chrome gas cap in the back of the car.
 The windshield is cut in two, and pushed 
upward.A chrome bar which,is vertical,is glued
securely to the two windshield halfs,which gives
 it a angled look.The dashboard is tan just like
 the four buckets seats,and the custom made 
bench seat.The steering wheel has a wooden 
center.The console has a chrome cover and a
 chrome T Bar for shifting. The side windows
 are a little oval,which spreads out a little.It has
 a custom made Touring Model T Type top in 
tan,with a big rectangular  opening to see behind
.The tires are GoodYear Wide Oval 15" Tires on
 Craigar SS Diamond Spoke Mags with matching
 Craigar SS Three Pong Knock Offs.The blower
 has no rotors in it because Michael Nesmith said
 it was too powful,and it was hard to drive.,like 
driving a tank.This why The Monkeemobile  has
 a dummy blower.The car has a 500 horsepower
 engine.The custom rear back is also equipt with a
 white parachute,when closed.But if you used it,you
 will find it is white,and red.Infact,Kelloggs actually,
had a special red and white that said Kelloggs when
 you pop the chute.However,that was a publicty for
 advertising their product,since Kelloggs was cereal 
sponsor,for "The Monkee" commercials.This car was
 mostly driven by Michael Nesmith with Davy Jones 
usually in the front with Mike.I believe,Micky Dolenz
 sit in the custom bench seat with Peter Tork behind 
Davy Jones. "The Monkees" loved this car.Here Is The Famous Monkees With Their Famous Monkeemobile