Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Monkees Will Be Touring Summer 2014

The Monkees Will Be Touring Summer 2014
   It was announced on March 15,2014,that 
The Monkees would have a concert reunion
tour the summer of 2014.More information
will be given,mid May 2014.With this in mind,
I when through found songs by Davy Jones,
Michael Nesmith,Peter Tork,and Micky
   Beg The Monkees to play Tear Drop City,
Michael Nesmith has some very cool guitar
riffs,that will turn you on,and amaze you.We 
need this song.If Davy Jones was here he'd
say yes,let's to it,the crowds would love it.I
know Peter Tork left the group at this time,
but you can support Peter Tork,by encourag-
ing him to do this song with Michael Nesmith
and Micky Dolenz.The song Tear Drop City,
is in many video clips or on some albums.We
need this song sung for our 21st generation.
   Dear Ladies I know miss Davy Jones very
much,I do to I really truly feel for your with
much love.I going to give some real truth,
that when Pool It in 1987,Davy Jones said
this to Micky Dolenz,"you need to start
writing some songs."Why am I telling this,
Micky Dolenz didn't write one song on that
Pool It album.Yet Davy Jones did.He wrote
a song for you for ever how he felt about 
you ladies.The song is I'll Love You Forever,
written and sung by Davy Jones.I'll have this
song in video,for you,along with the Heart and
Soul 1987 Concert Tour.
    As for Micky Dolenz writing songs,last year,
was thinking of having all new songs written.He
has so many songs that it could fill volumns.We
will just wait to see if we get new songs in the
future.I have nothing against Micky Dolenz,as 
he twitted me through MidSummer Tour 2013
of The Monkees,and after.Infact last year our
lovable Micky Dolenz,suggested making a new
album with new songs.We'll just have to wait
and see.But for now we have the 2014 Reunion
Tour of The Monkees.I have found the 1986
20th Anniversary Comeback Reunion Tour,The
1987 Heart and Soul Tour,to 100 minutes.You'll
find surprizes in Star Collector video,Monkee
Madness and more.One 14 minute video takes
us through beginning,mixing The Monkees as
they sing today.You'll love all the albums of
songs Davy sings.It is my gift to you beautiful
people.Enjoy it,as if Davy Jones was next to 